
  • 영국 내 헌혈로 인한 인간광우병(vCJD) 발병 사례
    Talks 2008. 5. 6. 09:41
    헌혈로 인한 인간광우병 발병 사례는 현재까지 영국에서 총 네 건이 발견되었다고 한다.
    • 사례 1
      • 발견: 2003년 12월
      • 헌혈한 사람은 헌혈하고 3년 반 후에 인간광우병(vCJD) 발병
      • 헌혈받은 사람은 헌혈받고 6년 반 후에 인간광우병(vCJD) 발병
    • 사례 2
      • 헌혈한 사람은 헌혈하고 18개월 후에 인간광우병(vCJD) 발병
      • 헌혈받은 사람은 헌혈받고 몇개월 후 인간광우병(vCJD) 감염 사실 발견됨. (헌혈받은지 5년 후 vCJD와 관계없는 이유로 사망)
    • 사례 3
      • 헌혈한 사람은 헌혈하고 20개월 후에 인간광우병(vCJD) 발병
      • 헌혈받은 사람은 헌혈받고 후 6년 후에 인간광우병(vCJD) 발병
    • 사례 4
      • 헌혈한 사람은 헌혈하고 17개월 후에 인간광우병(vCJD) 발병
      • 헌혈받은 사람은 헌혈받고 후 8년 반 후에 인간광우병(vCJD) 발병
    There have been four cases of variant-CJD infection associated with blood transfusion: three of the four recipients developed symptoms of vCJD. The first case of vCJD disease associated with blood transfusion was identified in December 2003. This individual developed vCJD six and a half years after transfusion of red cells donated by an individual who developed symptoms of vCJD three and a half years after donation. A case of vCJD 'infection' was identified a few months later in a recipient of red cells from a donor who developed symptoms of vCJD 18 months after donation. This second case died from causes unrelated to vCJD five years after transfusion. Post-mortem investigations found abnormal prion protein in the spleen and a cervical lymph node, but not in the brain, and no pathological features of vCJD were found. The third case developed symptoms of vCJD after 6 years and died 8 years and 8 months after receiving a transfusion of red blood cells from a donor who developed vCJD about 20 months after this blood was donated. The fourth case developed symptoms of vCJD 8.5 years after receiving a transfusion of red blood cells from a donor who developed vCJD about 17 months after this blood was donated. The same donor donated the vCJD-implicated blood transfused to the 3rd and 4th cases. All four cases had received transfusions of non-leucodepleted red blood cells between 1996 and 1999. (출처: 영국 HPA 웨사이트)
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